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AKSW Cloud

Fabian has reminded us that we are only supposed to use the address range
Owners of the instances should change the IPv4 and IPv6 in %%(sql)/etc/network/interfaces%% and this wiki accordingly.
Fabian: ich sehe nur auf der Switch, welche IPs wo liegen.
Das sind auf Port 17: 75, 77, 78, 123, 124, 161, 201
Port 18: 110, 128, 139, 141, 143, 145, 146, 147, 162, 163, 180, 190
Port 16: 110, 138, 140, 191
(ohne die älteren IPs) 

The AKSW cloud consists of 3 physical servers: #||

IP Domain name Description 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:100 Cloud Controller, Cluster Controller, Storage Controller 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:101 Node Controller 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:102 Node Controller

Add these to your ~~/.ssh/config (sql) Host akswcc Hostname User uecadmin Host akswnc1 Hostname User uecadmin Host akswnc2 Hostname User uecadmin Host ubuntu-template Hostname 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:110 User akswadmin

Known Instances (sorted by IPv6): #||

IPv6 (IPv4) Host Host name Owner Description new akswadmin pw
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:96 ( akswnc2 aksw Natanael AKSW Website
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:97 akswnc2 ldi Seebi Linked Data Infrastructure
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:98 akswnc2 owdev Philipp OntoWiki Continuous Integration Server
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:99 akswnc2 latc-legal Philipp LATC Legal Dataset Hosting
100-103 reserved for host machines!
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:104 akswnc1 wikipedia-oai-proxy Claus
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:105 akswnc2 Ivan CubeViz Server
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:107 N/A Mohamed AKSWDISKTOP Server
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:108 akswcc Conti-Interior Freebase
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:109 akswcc Suresh Pokharel
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:110 all Claus Template Instance for cloning
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:111 akswcc Claus API Leipzig
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:112 akswcc Axel BioASQ
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:113 akswcc Lorenz ~AutoSparql
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:114 akswnc2 Jens, Claus ~GeoKnow
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:115 akswnc2 Seebi ~LEDS
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:116 akswnc1 linkeddata-qa-production Claus lie3deiR
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:117 akswnc1 Amrapali Amrapali
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:118 akswnc2 Jens jenslehmann1
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:119 akswncc Konrad Hoeffner konradhoeffner
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:120 akswnc2 lgd-storage Claus
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:121 akswnc3 lgd-db Claus
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:122 akswnc1 service-monitor1 Claus Service Monitor
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:123 akswnc2 relze Claus
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:124 akswnc2 cstadler Claus All my web frontends - PanLex, LGD, Sparqlify …
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:125 akswnc1 tr-luther Thomas
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:126 akswnc2 tr-softwiki1 Ivan Prod-Server u.a.
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:128 akswnc2 seppl Seppl NIF Services for the 3.2.1 deliverable ( – NLP2RDF shie0aiY
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:129 akswnc1 tr-publink Thomas Publink Data-Endpunkt der Neuen Deutschen Biographie
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:130 akswnc1 tr-cpl-protected Thomas Protected Zone des Professorenkatalogs
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:131 akswnc2 Sina Project Saeedeh
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:132 akswcc akswblogs Edgard Marx Aksw multiuser blog
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:133 akswnc2 Ivan CSV2RDF Server - 14.04
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:135 ( akswnc2 LOD2-WP7-II Seebi LOD2 WP7 Hosting ( zie6OPho (was 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:136) akswnc2 Seebi LOD2 Stack (
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:137 akswncc Claus Maven/Archiva akswnc2 Seebi LOD2 FAO AKSW LOD2 Publink 2012
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:138 akswcc Lorenz
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:139 akswnc2 Micha LodStats
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:140 akswnc1 PatrickWestphal Patrick Patrick VM
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:141 akswnc2 Florian SparqlCache
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:142 akswnc1 Pfarrerbuch Nate Project on historic data of protestant pastors ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:143 akswnc2 ClausBenchmarking Claus temporary benchmarking server ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:144 akswnc1 mmoon project Bettina Mmoon data server and documentation ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:145 akswnc2 Claus Benchmarks
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:146 akswnc2 Claus (Student) Demo Server
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:147 akswnc1 AbbreviationBase Martin abbreviation base extraction server
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:148 akswnc1 MichaelMartinSeminar Michael seminar host
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:149 akswnc1 LOD2_final Jens/Bert v Nuffelen lod2 stack finalization
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:150 - 155 akswnc1 Claus LinkedData-QA-1 -5
outdated:, reassigned to lod2-fao akswnc2 dssn Seebi Distributed Social Semantic Networking ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:160 akswnc1 IvanErmilov Ivan used for FOX and other services hosting
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:161 akswnc1 dataid Ivan
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:162 akswnc2 aled Seebi Active Learning of Edit Distances ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:163 akswnc2 Mukava Timofey Project on geo-locating music preferences using mobile devices ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:164 akswnc2 SakeProject IvanErmilov Web portal for the Sake project - project for complex stream events ???
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:165 akswcc IvanErmilov Ivan WackoWiki Delete Me in September 2015
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:166 akswnc1 IvanErmilov Ivan WackoWiki ziwd and liv legacy projects
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:167 akswnc2 IvanErmilov Ivan idrac
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:190 akswnc2 buildserver ( Claus
2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:191 akswcc tdemo Joerg Telekom Suche Protoyp ~WknXhgYdÜnGh

Instance Creation

  • Log in to e.g. akswnc2
    • (sql)ssh -X akswnc2
    • -X does X11 forwarding, which means you can transfer some of the user interfaces
  • LC_ALL=C virt-manager
    • For some reason some Ubuntu update messed up locale settings and virt-manager won't start with the invalid locale config
  • Clone the ubuntu-server-template - IMPORTENT: Adjust both the instance AND the storage name
  • Log In to the freshly cloned instance
    • (sql)ssh -X ubuntu-template
  • Change hostname and IP
    • cd cloud-tools
    • ./ your-host-name
    • ./ 123 (only suffix needed)
  • Update your .ssh/config file ;)

Important Notes

For each virtual instance there is an XML config files under (sql)/etc/libvirt/qemu. The virtual hard drives are located under (sql)/var/lib/libvirt/images/ !! Make sure that the bridge setting matches those of the other instances (br0 or br1)!!

Email Notification

Hi Instance Owner,

You can access your instance by adding the following entry to your ~/.ssh/config

Host {name-of-your-choice}

      HostName 2001:638:902:2010:0:168:35:{your-ip}
      User akswadmin

Default password is: akswcloud, please change this ASAP.

You can then connect with ssh {name-of-your-choice}

Because of IPv6, you may need to do sudo apt-get install miredo sudo service miredo restart

Cheers, The AKSW cloud management team

Graphical Virt-manager

(sql) ssh -X uecadmin@ -s virt-manager

If your ssh key has been added to akswcc, you can connect with: (sql)ssh When logged in, there is a README file containing further passwords.

The webadmin interface is available at: (sql) You can apply for an account there, which then has to be approved by an administrator (usually Claus).

Basically all administrative task concerning the instances are performed on the akswcc.

Tutorials, Documentations and Guides

Instance Management via HybridFox

Once you applied for an account at, you can manage instances via FireFox using the HybridFox plugin. Perform the following setup steps:

  • install the latest 1) XPI file and restart Firefox
  • go to Extras/Tools ⇒ HybridFox which should open a new tab
  • click “Regions” and enter name “AKSW-Cloud” and enpoint URLhttp://
  • in a seperate window, go to the 2) » credentials » show key
  • click “Credentials” and fill the form using the values in the webadmin interface window: “Account Name” is your login name, “AWS Access Key” is the query ID, “AWS Secret Access Key” is the secret key

Creating Instances

Beforehand, please note that instances are transient. This means, as soon as they terminate they disappear (and with them, all data). However, it is possible to create virtual hard drives (called volumes) whose existence is independent of that of the instances. Volumes can then be attached to instances where they appear as ordinary devices (e.g. as /dev/sdb). Read here for way of achieving persistence in the 3)

For now, once you logged in as uecadmin to the cc, you will find scripts for running instances and connecting to them. There is also a script (taken from a tutorial) for creating the keypairs.

Change Resources (RAM, CPU, HDD) for Existing Instances

Eucalyptus Cloud itself comes with 5 profiles, that can be assigned user definde values for the amount of CPUs, RAM and Disk Space.

TODO I could't figure out the difference between m and c. Are there any special implications - or are these just names?
TODO Make a table with resource limits.

m1.small m1.large c1.small c1.medium c1.xlarge

Change Resources (RAM, CPU, HDD) for Existing Instances with virt-manager

RAM: Open the existing instance and change the value under “Memory”. Reboot the instance DISK: Appending to an existing disk is very complicated. Adding another disk is relatively easy: -Open the existing instance → Add Hardware -Select “Storage” → forward -Change the value under “create disk image on the computer's hard drive” → forward → finish -The disk will be added to the instance. -To mount it on the computer follow these steps after point 6., default device will be /dev/sda: 4)


  • How can I set the range of public ip addresses?

(sql) vim /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.local.conf Add the line: VNET_PUBLICIPS=""


A simple way to create (persistent) virtual instances similar to the ones we have with Hyper-V can be achieved with the following instructions. Note that this solution is not meant to replace the cloud, as it lacks features such as automatically allocating instances on node-controllers with free resources. Instead, the following procedure has to be performed on every single computer that should host such virtual instances. (except for maybe virt-manager, which can probably be configured to be a front end for remote connections.)

(sql) sudo apt-get install virt-manager libvirt-bin qemu kvm

Add us to the kvm-group (sql) sudo adduser $USER kvm

Uncomment the lines in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf (sql) # The user ID for QEMU processes run by the system instance user = "root" # The group ID for QEMU processes run by the system instance group = "root"

Restart the service (sql) sudo service qemu-kvm restart

Now you can do (sql) ssh -X <host> virt-manager

This will open a window, where you can configure connections and instances. If no connection yet exists, create one: (sql) File->Add Connection Hypervisor: QEMU/KVM Connection: Local (Note: The window we see is actually running on the host we ssh'd into and is forwarded to us). Autoconnect: Checked Connect

Done :)

Troubleshooting Virt-Manager

Interestingly, the above procedure has a success-rate of < 100% of practically identical systems: It worked on akswcc and akswnc2, but failed on akswnc1. * “Failed to spawn the configuration server (gconfd): Failed to contact configuration server; the most common cause is a missing or misconfigured D-Bus session bus daemon. See for information. (Details - 1: Failed to get connection to session: Error connecting: Connection refused)”

Reinstalling dbus and gconf2 and rebooting solved the problem at least for us. (sql) sudo apt-get install --reinstall dbus gconf2 sudo reboot

IPv6 Host Configuration

Make sure /etc/sysctl.conf contains the following lines: (sql) net.ipv6.conf.eth0.accept_ra = 0 net.ipv6.conf.eth0.autoconf = 0 net.ipv6.conf.eth1.accept_ra = 0 net.ipv6.conf.eth1.autoconf = 0 net.ipv6.conf.br0.accept_ra = 0 net.ipv6.conf.br0.autoconf = 0 Apply the changes using (sql)sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Example configuration for /etc/network/interfaces: (sql) auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address <adjustme> netmask network broadcast gateway dns-nameservers dns-search # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed auto eth1 iface eth1 inet manual # Configure the brigde for both IPv4 and IPv6 # Note the the brigde itself also needs an address auto br0 iface br0 inet static address <adjustme> netmask bridge_ports eth1 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off iface br0 inet6 static address <adjustme>2001:638:902:2010::168:35:99 netmask 64 gateway 2001:638:902:2010::1 bridge_ports eth1 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 bridge_maxage 12 bridge_stp off Apply the changes using (sql)/etc/init.d/networking restart

Route output should be (sql) Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface localnet * U 0 0 0 eth0 * U 0 0 0 virbr0 * U 0 0 0 br0 default UG 100 0 0 eth0

IPv6 Instance Configuration

Example configuration for /etc/network/interfaces on the virtual instance: (sql) auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet6 static address <adjustme>2001:638:902:2010::168:35:100 netmask 64 gateway 2001:638:902:2010::1 dns-nameservers 2001:638:902:1::10 Apply the changes using (sql)/etc/init.d/networking restart

Don't forget to edit /etc/resolv.conf for the nameserver: (sql) nameserver 2001:638:902:1::10

IPv6 and ssh'ing to the Instances

If ssh <user>@<ipv6> does not work, the problem might be that you are on an IPv4 net, but want to talk to IPv6 servers. In this case you need to tunnel your IPv6 packages through the IPv4 net, which works out-of-the-box after installing miredo: (sql) sudo apt-get install miredo

Exposing your cloud instance to the WWW

You can use HTTP reverse prxies to expose http endpoints like webinterfaces to the braod public. Lets assume you have a running cloud instance with the following services:

(sql) (Virtuoso) (Tomcat)

The goal is to expose them under a subdomain of, for example


You can expose them using a cascade of reverse proxies.

The first reverse proxy needs to be configured on prod0. This reverse proxy will do the name resolving and delegation to your server. Add therefore the an new file to sites-available with containing the following information:

<VirtualHost *> ServerName ServerAlias ServerAdmin ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On # don't lose time with IP address lookups HostnameLookups Off # needed for named virtual hosts UseCanonicalName Off <Proxy *> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Proxy> ProxyPass / retry=1 ProxyPassReverse / <Location /> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Location> LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ </VirtualHost> Restart the apache service. IMPORTANT: do not forget to create the directory for the logfiles. MORE IMPORTANT: do not mess around with this web server! The second step is enable the rewriting on your machine. Here you can mess around. Make sure that apache with mod_proxy and mod_proxy_html is installed and the mods are enabled. Add a new virtual host to your machine, again by adding an file into sites-available and sites-enabled. This file would contain in our case:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName #### For Virtuoso ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /virt/ ProxyPassReverse /virt/ ProxyHTMLURLMap /virt <Location /virt/> ProxyPassReverse / # uncomment next line for version of mod_proxy_html => 3.1 # ProxyHTMLEnable On # use next line for version of mod_proxy_html < 3.1 SetOutputFilter proxy-html ProxyHTMLURLMap / /virt/ RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding </Location> ####### For Tomcat ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /tomcat/ ProxyPassReverse /tomcat/ ProxyHTMLURLMap /tomcat <Location /tomcat/> ProxyPassReverse / # uncomment next line for version of mod_proxy_html => 3.1 # ProxyHTMLEnable On # use next line for version of mod_proxy_html < 3.1 SetOutputFilter proxy-html ProxyHTMLURLMap / /tomcat/ RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding </Location> </VirtualHost> Restart the apache service. Now your virtuoso is reachable under (sql) and your Tomcat under (sql)

Be advised that won't work because of of the virtual host settings on the cloud instance.

playground/playground.1431338263.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/15 13:58 (external edit)

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